Sometimes Paddleboard Excursions goes out and never sees wildlife, but today God blessed us with lots of His creations. I believe He was making memories for the boys and letting them know they were important to Him. God is such a awesome artist. The eyes and bodies He gave us to see and experience the world with, I believe is His signature of love.
Yes, the world in it's fallen condition has many problems ( God wants us to know that there is something not right.....but He has left so many good things to let us know we have a future with lots of "Hope"! One day the Bible says "The Lion will lay down with the Lamb and the Lamb will not be hurt"....that day is coming....Paddleboard Excursions could say that also means...swimmers will swim with sharks and not get eaten...LOL!
In the meantime Christ Fellowship has started "Place of Hope" giving children a chance to learn about God and lots of "Hope" for a wonderful future.
Wade, the surfer dude! Someday he will be a surfer..... I am sure!
Dan, a cottage parent for "Place of Hope".....I could tell the boys really loved him!
Off we go to conquer Peanut Island
Opps! We have a swimmer!
William, the tall dark and Handsome one might be a movie star someday or better yet a star that shines for God!
Napping before the return
We made it! Peanut Island is almost like paradise!
Meditation and contemplation....Wade the thinker!
Mr "D" jumped right on the paddleboard and was a pro in just minutes! One day you might find him paddling between the Hawaiian Islands!....Would not surprise me!
Sammy was special to me because I got to put him on my board and paddle him around most of the time
But, hey....Sammy was a natural when it comes to paddle boarding
Stephen, the boy with the red trunks was such a ham and such a helper! He was great at paddle boarding also! I think he may grow up to be a comedian but I loved his servant spirit! With a name like Stephen (my husbands name and also a great man in the Bible was named Stephen) he has a namesake to live up to ... some big shoes to fill.....I pray that he grows up and fills those shoes with honor!
Probably more manatee pictures then you want to look at.....but they were all smiling and wanted their photo taken.
One of these creatures was just wanting some love....or maybe he was hoping we had some lettuce!
When you come with Paddleboard excursions we have snorkeling equipment so that you can have a close encounter of the manatee kind!!
That manatee is coming for me....should I be scared?........I think not!
Thank you God who made the whole experience possible!
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